Economic agency in migrations of women and girls: The case of migrant women and girls from Burundi
VAC studies Круг | Krug VAC studies Круг | Krug

Economic agency in migrations of women and girls: The case of migrant women and girls from Burundi

Elements of gender inequality also exist in migration and are manifested in all stages of migration, starting from the context in the home country, during the journey and in the country of destination. In any analysis of migration it is important to take into account the political, economic, social and cultural circumstances,

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Zdravstvena zaštita izbeglica i migranata u Republici Srbiji: aktuelna situacija i preporuke za održiva rešenja
VAC studies Круг | Krug VAC studies Круг | Krug

Zdravstvena zaštita izbeglica i migranata u Republici Srbiji: aktuelna situacija i preporuke za održiva rešenja

Od početka migrantske i izbegličke krize 2015. godine, Republika Srbija biva suočena sa novim izazovima u pogledu sistema azila i migracija, a takođe i mehanizmima integracije migrantske populacije u društvo. Jedan od najvažnijih izazova bio je redefinisanje i uspostavljanje efikasnog zdravstvenog sistema…

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Health care of refugees and migrants in the Republic of Serbia: current situation and recommendations for sustainable solutions
VAC studies Круг | Krug VAC studies Круг | Krug

Health care of refugees and migrants in the Republic of Serbia: current situation and recommendations for sustainable solutions

Since the beginning of the migrant and refugee crisis in 2015, the Republic of Serbia has been faced with new challenges regarding the asylum and migration system, as well as the mechanisms of integration of the migrant population into society. One of the most important challenges was redefining and establishing an efficient health system…

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